The Outreach Program for Soccer

TOP Soccer

TOP Soccer is an adapted soccer program for children with special needs, ages 2-18. TOP Soccer provides children the opportunity to participate in an organized soccer program in a safe and positive environment. The program is designed to give everyone a chance to play, and to foster the values of teamwork, pride, and accomplishment within each player. Players are separated by age and ability to create an equal environment for everyone.

Soccer cleats and shin guards are not required to play, but players are welcome to wear them if they wish.
Please bring your own refreshments as we want to be mindful of special dietary needs.



UCA (exact location TBD)
Sunday | 5-6pm | Ages 2-18
Feb 23 | Mar 2, 9, 16, 30 | Apr 6, 13, 27

*Registration deadline March 2nd

Co-Director: Adley Barham

Co-Director: Haley Nichols


Bell Park (1050 Bell Park Rd)
Day TBD | Time TBD | Ages 5-18
Dates TBD

*Registration deadline TBD

Little Rock

Little Rock Christian Academy (indoor facility, 19010 Cantrell Rd)
Day TBD | Time TBD | Ages 2-18
Dates TBD

*9-10am (younger ages)
10-11am (older ages)

*Registration deadline TBD

Director: Raquel Tejada

Asst. Director: Sam Tejada


Brunner & Lay Soccer Complex (1438 N Old Missouri Rd.)
Wednesday | 6-7pm | Ages 2-18
Mar 12, 19 | Apr 2, 9, 16, 23, 30

*Registration deadline March 19th

Co-Director: Meg Norton

Co-Director: Megan Parker