RUFL Football

The Rivals United Flag Football League (RUFL) was started by a group of committed football fans who wanted to ensure all children, including kids with disabilities, would have the opportunity to play the game. Players participating in RUFL get a chance to play quarterback, kicker, offense, and defense. The program is designed to ensure each child experiences success and being part of a team. RUFL is run by coaches and volunteers who encourage and assist the players.



UCA Football Field (on the stripes)
Day TBD | Time TBD | Ages 7-18
*Coming Fall 2025

*Registration deadline TBD

*Final Game: TBD

Director: Houston Hunt

Little Rock

Arkansas School for the Deaf (2400 W Markham)
Day TBD | Time TBD | Ages 7-18
*Coming Fall 2025

*Registration deadline TBD

*Final Game: TBD

Co-Director: Houston Hunt

Co-Director: Greg Lindsey